Media Coverage

International Food Security Campaign

In 1983, the Canadian Foodgrains Bank was founded and broadly speaking, its goal is to conquer world hunger. In order to achieve this outcome, Canadian Foodgrains Bank provides emergency food relief during times of crisis to individuals in developing nations.

It strives to educate families on sustainable crop production in the wake of the changing global climate. The organisation focuses on providing nutritional support to the malnourished and advocates for implementing public policies that contribute to capacity building efforts in affected nations.

The Canadian Foodgrains Bank collaborated with uTurn Project Inc. on the “Good Soil” campaign. The initiative informs and advocates the need for the Canadian government to offer more support for small-scale agriculture in their international aid initiatives; as well, it increases awareness among members of the community about the crisis farmers face in developing countries.

Postcards containing signatures were sent to MPs, MLAs and the Prime Minister of Canada to create awareness of the issue. The postcards were brought to several events: Flag Day, International Development Week 2016, and Canada Day 2015. With this campaign, the community is exposed to social issues in the global arena and it raises awareness about issues that require immediate attention. The “Good Soil” initiative plays a role in making the world more interconnected, bringing to light problems faced in developing countries. In addition, the ongoing nature of this initiative allows for a larger dissemination of current global events to the local community.